Monday, October 31, 2011

Scream a Little Scream for Me

Ah yes, 'tis the season...Samhain is upon us once again! To say that I love All-Hallows Eve would be an understatement of the 18th century. While I keep my Halloween decor out year-round, I relish the many opportunities to fully immerse myself in all the month of October has to offer. Hayrides, pumpkin patches, haunted houses...oh, the possibilities for fright and decadence are endless!

One of the most delightful elements of this time of year is the music. You heard me right, my dearest devourers of this blog. Several years ago, while attending a paranormal event at Rolling Hills Asylum, I stumbled across (almost literally) the artistic wonder that is Dead Rose Symphony. A delicious mix of symphonic mastery and gothic tones, the enchantment of such masterpieces as Uvertura and the Whitechapel Killings tinkers against my bones and chills me to the core! (You can enjoy their music here:  If you are looking to broaden your musical horizons, your ears will be in for a real treat with these spooktacular selections!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Allow Myself to Introduce...Myself

Welcome to my little corner of the institution! This blog is designed to give you, my devoted and ever-praising readers, a sneak peak into the crazy, wacky, and down right wild inner workings of my mind. Scared yet? ;-)

In all seriousness, this blog will serve a dual purpose. It will give me a chance to share my diverse range of interests while providing an opportunity to hone my mad writing skills. I hope you enjoy my posts, and I promise, my dear connoisseurs of the written word, that I WILL keep this blog up to date...unlike my other ill-fated attempt *ahem.*
